WireGuard på formuler z11
Posted: Mon 6 May 2024, 23:10
Hej! Försöker få igång WireGuard VPN via integrity på en formuler Z11. Laddat ned appen. Laddar över installtionsfilen på en usbsticka men när jag försöker hitta igen filen så finns den inte? Andra filer (filmer) på stickan hittar jag. Har fått det att fungera på IPhone. Någon som kan peka mig i rätt riktning?//S
“Hello! Trying to get WireGuard VPN up and running via integrity on a Formuler Z11. Downloaded the app. Loading the installation file onto a USB stick but when I try to find the file again, it’s not there? Other files (movies) on the stick I can find. Have got it to work on iPhone. Can someone point me in the right direction? //S
“Hello! Trying to get WireGuard VPN up and running via integrity on a Formuler Z11. Downloaded the app. Loading the installation file onto a USB stick but when I try to find the file again, it’s not there? Other files (movies) on the stick I can find. Have got it to work on iPhone. Can someone point me in the right direction? //S